The July public engagement events in central Lancashire have been cancelled

Date posted: 5th July 2017 The July public engagement events in central Lancashire have been cancelled thumbnail image

During the recent pre-election period, when conversations about Our Health Our Care had to be put on hold, work was done to assess the progress of the programme in line with the Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP).

To avoid duplication or potential confusion for members of the public, it was agreed that the engagement events that were due to take place in July will no longer go ahead, to give the Our Health Our Care programme more time to focus on how services in the community and our broader out of hospital model can be improved and clarified.

Feedback gathered during conversations with the public and planning undertaken to date by Our Health Our Care will be shared with, and form the basis for, ongoing discussions around hospital care, which will now be led by Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria.

Jan Ledward Chief Officer of NHS Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Greater Preston CCG said:

“While it is our priority to deliver better services across central Lancashire, we also recognise the need to align our programme to the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership so there is no confusion or duplication with the work being done to improve services across the wider geography.

We remain committed to delivering improvements to local services and will continue to update the public on future developments, including any further opportunities to be involved in shaping services that meet the needs of our population now and into the future.”

Dr Amanda Doyle, GP and Chief Officer for the Lancashire and South Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership said:

“Over the last few years we’ve put a real focus into doing things differently. We recognise that we can’t just continue to do more of the same if we are to really overcome some of the challenges we face. That’s why making the best use of the staff and services we have and delivering value for money across Lancashire and South Cumbria is crucial.

We face some challenges that can be solved locally by working differently and there are others where it is clear that we need to work together across the whole of Lancashire and South Cumbria to be able to provide services that are fit for now and the future, including some acute hospital services.”

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