Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Alliance
Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise organisations in Lancashire and South Cumbria have been working together over a number of years to build partnerships aiming to establish the sector as a valued partner within the health and care system.
This website is dedicated to and overseen by the partnership of voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations with the support from NHS colleagues. The purpose of the site is to inform VCFSE organisations of the developments and activities the sector is undertaking together as a valued partner within the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Partnership.

Latest News
Supporting LGBTQ+ Young People
Jennifer Rushworth-Claeys, Director of Young Person's services at WithYou, invites you to their next online learning event taking place on Thursday 26th September 2024 9.15am to 10am via Google Meet.
Networking and Information Sharing Event - Central & West
Lancashire Mind have been commissioned by Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board to help strengthen the relationship between clinical services and the VCFSE sector under the Community Mental Health Transformation Project.
Vacancies - With You Lancs YP
With You Lancs YP still have a number of vacancies available. The application is very quick as candidates only need to submit a cover letter and CV.