Smokefree Lancashire
Date posted: 23rd April 2024
"We are Smokefree Lancashire. We are commissioned by Lancashire County Council and have been delivering Smoking Cessation Support across Lancashire since 1st October 2023. We are also working in partnership with With You, who will be focussing on the young person’s offer.
You may already be familiar with members of our team, along with seeing some new faces out and about. We’re thrilled to be supporting the people of Lancashire to stop smoking and would love your support to do this. We can attend your team meetings to tell you more about the support we offer as well as training opportunities that we can provide. Please get in touch if this is something you would like us to do, and we can arrange a convenient time.
If you are still using Quit Squad marketing materials, please contact us so we can send you a Smokefree Lancashire resource pack to replace these.
Our new website is: Commit to Quit Smoking with Personalised Support | Smoke-Free Lancashire ( and we would appreciate you replacing any links to Quit Squad with this, on your website.
We are really looking forward to working with you and if you have any questions about our service, or want to find out more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our dedicated inbox"