Workshop to Support the Development of a Lancashire and South Cumbria Five-Year Workforce Strategy & Training Plan.

Date posted: 31st October 2023

Invitation to an online Workshop to Support the Development of a Lancashire and South Cumbria Five-Year Workforce Strategy & Training Plan.

We are pleased to invite you to a workshop to support the development of a Lancashire and South Cumbria five-year workforce strategy and training plan. These workshops follow widespread discussions which have taken place with colleagues across the health and care system. These conversations sought to understand the challenges faced by the system and to identify work which is already taking place to address these.

The purpose of these workshops is to:

  • Review the findings from the earlier engagement phase and identify the key challenges and opportunities for the health and care workforce in Lancashire and South Cumbria
  • Contribute to the development of a set of strategic priorities for the workforce strategy and training plan

We would like to encourage a wide range of representative stakeholders from across the health and care system to attend these workshops. These sessions will be multi-professional and cross-sector, and will aim to bring people from different parts of the health and care system together to talk about common challenges and opportunities.  All workshops will be held online via MS Teams.

Whilst the strategy will cover the whole Lancashire and South Cumbria health and care system, we have aligned these workshops to the four Places. The four workshops will be identical and will be focussed on the needs and opportunities for the whole system The alignment to Place will support participants to identify any Place-based / local initiatives which could be built on or spread within the wider system and highlight any challenges which are particular to a specific Place. Whilst we encourage everyone to attend their respective Place session, we recognise that not everyone will have a Place affiliation and/or be able to attend their local session and we’d ask that you please attend a session that suits your availability even if you are not directly linked to the Place.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please register by Wednesday 1st November by clicking here:

If you have any questions please contact:

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