
What did you like most about the event?

"Success in attracting a good number of participants and focus and adherence to agenda, clarity of presentations and answers, encouragement to ask questions."

"The chance for people to hear what has been happening with the ICS as this is a massive change and to hear from people sat at the ICS 'table'."

"Energy and pulling so many partners together."

"It was good to get so many representatives together simultaneously."

How could the event be improved?

"For a first event it is difficult to suggest improvements, particularly with such a large group of people.  Future events need to be driven by the membership proposing topics for discussion and being allowed to contribute to the agenda."

"Too Lancashire centric. Disappointed at how few of us were from S Cumbria and Eden and where was Cumbria CVS? We all need to elect our local rep - not just assume the man who volunteered should be acceptable."

"Its early days and an excellent start - lets see what comes back from the evaluation but hopefully run these quarterly."

Do you have suggestions for the focus of a thematic group?

"Find more data on local health inequalities and link to service level data."

"There are lots of different ways to cut this. Age based themes might allow for enough breadth for each area to set their own priorities depending on needs assessment. Children/ Long term illness including cancer/ protected characteristics- difficulty of access/  old age a theme around groups who find access difficult might help."

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