
What did you like most about the event?

"Number of participants and feedback from both VCFSE and public sector - constructive discussion."

"It covered a lot in a very short space of time, well chaired as regards timing as some of the contributors/presenters would have gone well over time."

"IT's good to be involved and good to hear what's going on. The work the Alliance has been doing is really positive."

"The fact that we are having these events at all is a real positive. There are some who are putting a lot of effort in here to make sure that the VCSFE community are not being left behind, so thanks for that."

How could the event be improved?

"Until there is a little more certainty over what is happening in the ICs, it will be difficult. Staffing level reductions to make financial saving make engaging challenging. I appreciate that engaging with the NHS structures requires extending our vocabulary, I just wonder how many small 3rd sector organisations who want to engage feel they can. I joined the call in my office and had a volunteer working in there at the same time who remarked on the language and not having a clue what was being discussed in places."

"For my head, this would have benefited from being delivered as two sessions, and possibly some more distinct visual or presentation styles to help distinguish which insights and key points belonged where."

"I mean, there is a risk that this goes the way all other attempts to create this change goes. Nowhere. Becoming more about roles and responsibilities, governance and structure rather than actually doing things. Running projects within the community alongside health services, local authorities and other public sector organisations instead of competing, duplicating work and silo working."

Further constructive comments.

"I feel as if our area has caught up with these events part way through. We have clear site of how the ICB intends to progress around central and place based work (well as much as they know now). However our biggest concern remains that we do not as an area feel our views have been sought or are currently well represented. Our sole representative at place level has never canvassed a VCSFE view or shared alliance activity with the local VCSFE. "

"This was a really information heavy session and while presenters did great, and were kept to time well, by nature of the session the information was often broadly similar and it was hard after a time to maintain the points of separation to feel full recognition of the differences and opportunities."

"Whilst I appreciate that things are moving at a pace, I am slightly disappointed that there seems to be an assumption that statutory bodies are the ones who make the decisions around Place etc to suit their structures and VCSFE organisations do not therefore have the opportunity to shape those 'places'."

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